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4 Ways to Use Magnificent Magnesium Dead Sea Salts


When it comes to indulging in some nourishing self-care, nothing beats a soothing soak in the tub with Dead Sea salts! They have a multitude of skincare benefits and are also incredibly effective in relieving stress and tired muscles. We’re sharing our favorite things about this wonderful nutrient-rich salt, and why you need to use it in your own self-care routine.

What Are Dead Sea Salts?

Dead Sea salts actually do come from the Dead Sea, like their name suggests. These magnificent salts contain 21 minerals not found anywhere else in the world—minerals like magnesium, calcium, chloride, potassium, sodium, and bromide. These powerful minerals are best known for relieving aching, tired muscles, arthritis, and even symptoms of fibromyalgia.

While you can travel all the way to the Dead Sea to soak in its goodness, you can use Jordan Essentials’ Dead Sea Salts to enjoy the benefits right in the comfort of your own tub.


Jordan Essentials Dead Sea Salts
At Jordan Essentials we take our Dead Sea salts seriously! We “power up” the soothing effects of our Dead Sea Salts by adding extra magnesium and stress-relieving essential oils, like peppermint or lavender. Our proprietary formula is a custom blend of Dead Sea salts you won’t find anywhere else! The natural minerals and added magnesium are most beneficial and produce a rejuvenating and revitalizing effect on the body.

Why We Use Dead Sea Salts
One of the most common reasons for using Dead Sea salts is to heal tired, achy, and sore muscles. Even if your muscles aren’t sore, you can benefit from soaking in Dead Sea salts for their relaxing effect on the body and the mind. But what many people don’t know is that they are also beneficial in improving your skin too!

Dead Sea salts detoxify the skin and remove impurities, giving the skin a fresh, younger appearance. Packed with minerals – they will work together to enhance skin hydration, removing flakiness and the ashy, dry appearance we so often get after a day out in the sun and sand. Minerals like calcium, potassium, and zinc especially help relieve itchy skin.

4 Ways To Use Dead Sea Salts

Here are 4 ways to use Dead Sea salts at home and reap the benefits of these much-needed minerals!

    1. Take a “spa” bath: Add about a ¼ cup of Dead Sea salts to your warm bath. If you prefer to create your own essential oil blend, then use our Unscented Magnesium Dead Sea Salts. Just add a drop of two to of your favorite oil your salts and mix before adding them to your bath. Or try one of our therapeutic essential oil blends, like Peppermint, Lavender & Eucalyptus, or Oatmeal Milk and Honey.
    2. Make your own foot soak: Add 2-3 tablespoons of our Dead Sea salts to a foot bath of warm water and allow the salts to_C2A0529.jpg completely dissolve. Get comfortable and let your feet soak in the water to heal. The minerals will be absorbed into your skin, treating both your tired feet and body by replenishing it of depleted minerals.
    3. Use to soothe dandruff: Yep. Dead Sea salts can even diminish dandruff! Simply combine 1 tablespoon of our Unscented Magnesium Dead Sea Salts with 1 tablespoon of olive oil. Massage the mixture into your scalp and wait 5 minutes. Then rinse well and wash your hair with Moisturizing Shampoo. The mineral components give the scalp a deep cleanse, combating the bacteria and yeasts that cause flaky skin and dandruff. The salt acts as a natural exfoliator, scrubbing away dead skin cells and buildup. Make sure you finish with our Daily Conditioner to seal in the hydration!
    4. Heal your nails and cuticles: Soak your nails in a mixture of 1 teaspoon Dead Sea salts, 1 drop lemon essential oil, 2 tablespoons water, and ½ teaspoon olive oil. Combine the ingredients well and soak your nails for 5 minutes. Then scrub them with a nail brush and rinse well.

There are so many wonderful benefits to using Dead Sea salts for your skin, your body, and your mental health. It’s time to take a trip to the Dead Sea (aka your bathtub!) to reap all the benefits of our favorite self-care ritual!

Ahh summer! Sunny skies, road trips, swimming, and … sneezing? If you have seasonal allergies, this might be your reality. With trees, grasses, and flowers blooming and spreading pollen everywhere – allergy symptoms can take a toll on your summer fun.

Here are 8 tips to help keep your allergy symptoms at bay:

Don’t touch your face: We should all be in the habit of keeping our hands away from our faces anyway – but this applies for allergies too! This can help prevent pollen from coming in contact with your eyes and nasal passages, and making your symptoms worse. 

allergy essential oil spray with magnesium

Incorporate Essential Oils: Our Allergy Blend Essential Oil Spray is a wonderful blend of Frankincense, Lavender, Lemon, and Peppermint Essential Oils. Combined with a soothing witch hazel base, this spray can lessen symptoms such as itchy, puffy eyes while also opening airways and helping you breathe with more ease.

No mixing, no measuring – perfectly blended and safe to spritz directly onto your body (ages 2+), in the air, and even on your bed linens for a more comfortable night’s sleep. You can also use this spray on clothing, towels, rugs, inside your car – the possibilities are endless. Safe to be used in homes with pets, too!

Stay clean: Allergens can stick to hair, skin, and clothes. Be sure to leave shoes at the door, rinse your hair and body, and toss clothes into the laundry basket after spending time outside. Washing bed sheets frequently (and using that wonderful Allergy Spray!) will ensure they are allergen-free for bedtime.

Plan yard work strategically: Warm, sunny weather means time spent outside working in our gardens or mowing the lawn. If you suffer from allergies, you may have to limit your gardening when pollen counts are high. Avoid lawn mowing, weed pulling and other gardening chores that stir up allergens. Pollen tends to be highest from 5am-10am and at dusk – so try to plan your yard work in between those times.

Stay inside: High pollen counts can put a damper on outdoor parties and activities. On particularly warm and windy days, pollen is spreading and sticking to everything. If you do spend time outside, wear sunglasses and a wide brimmed hat to prevent allergens from getting into your eyes. Watch the weather and plan to spend time outside after rain showers. Rain helps to settle any allergens in the air. 

Vacuum before leaving the house: Vacuuming stirs up dust and allergens increasing the likelihood of them triggering symptoms. Plan to vacuum your home before stepping out to allow dust and allergens to settle. You can also spray Green & Clean in rooms you have vacuumed to help the dust settle quicker.

Keep indoor air clean: Using an air purifier will help remove contaminants from the air, and in turn, should decrease your exposure to pollen and dust. Jordan Essentials Green & Clean can also be added to air purifiers for added moisture in the air.

Keep pets clean: Summer is fun for everyone, pets included! But, during peak allergy season they can become a walking allergen themselves. Try to keep your pets off of furniture and out of the bedroom. Make sure they get washed more frequently to keep the pollen from hitching a ride inside with them. Our Pet Shampoo smells great and gets pets super clean! Spray with our Pet Spritzer for a shiny coat and resfreshing scent of bamboo and mint. 

There you have it, eight ways to make it through allergy season without itchy eyes and a scratchy throat. Of course, if symptoms become more severe, seek professional medical advice.  

Jordan Essentials does not claim to treat, diagnose or cure any medical condition. This is for informational and educational purposes alone.


Summer means fun in the sun, and that can lead to dry, damaged skin! Sunburns, dry skin, bug bites, and more – there’s no shortage of skin problems that can happen once we start enjoying more time outside. But, we have the perfect solution! Shea butter is our (not so) secret ingredient for summertime skin relief.

First, let’s take a closer look at what shea butter is. Extracted from the nuts of the African Karite tree, shea butter is a fat. It’s packed full of vitamins and fatty acids that make it perfect for nourishing and conditioning skin. 

It’s also been found to have anti-inflammatory properties. When applied to your skin, shea triggers cytokines and other inflammatory cells to slow down their production. This can help soothe irritated skin caused by environmental factors like wind, sun, and dry weather.

Shea butter is rich, thick, and concentrated – to penetrate deep into the layers of your skin and keep that moisture locked in. Wondering how you can use this naturally-powered ingredient in your skincare routine? Here are a few ideas!

Shea Butter is a wonderful gift from the earth that provides an abundance of natural relief. You can see why we love to include it in many of our products! But don’t just take our word for it. Here are some customer testimonies sharing the amazing relief they have found in their Jordan Essentials Shea Butter products.

“We have tried so many things for my daughter’s eczema. This stuff worked like a charm and my hubby loves it for his feet too. It’s amazing.”

“My dad had skin cancer and had skin removed. I gave him some Skin Relief to use and he said it was the best, and you can hardly see his scars.”

“The ingredients in Shea Body Butter have phenomenal power–power to heal, power to relieve pain, power to soften and soothe. With one try, I experienced relief from my dry, cracking, bleeding hands. For the last two years this has kept my hands healthy and smooth. I also use Shea Body Butter on aching muscles and knees. It’s like gold to my skin!”

May is National Skin Cancer/Melanoma Awareness Month!

With more than five million people diagnosed each year, skin cancer is one of the most common types of cancer. It is also preventable and can be highly treatable when caught early.

sunhat, woman on beachHere are a few facts about skin cancer that you may not know:

These statistics are scary, but there is plenty of hope! We can take steps to protect our skin and prevent skin cancer. Here are some tips:

  1. Wear sunscreen every day. The Skin Cancer Foundation recommends using a sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher. Mineral makeup naturally provides some sun protection as well. The minerals used act like little shields, and the UV rays hit the small particles and bounce off. We have a full line of Mineral Makeup for nontoxic beauty solutions.
  2. Dress for the occasion. Cover up with clothing, a large hat that covers your face and neck, and wear UV-blocking sunglasses when out in the sun for long periods of time. Using a rash guard with UV protection when swimming will also help to protect your arms, neck, and torso.
  3. Set up a cool environment. Try to stick to the shade, especially during the time when the sun is the fiercest (usually 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.). Use an umbrella or tent to create shade in open areas and keep track of the time you’re spending in the sun. Try not to overdo it!
  4. Use the right kind of sunscreen. Mineral sunscreen gets to work as soon as it’s applied. It creates a physical barrier so that UV rays are reflected, not absorbed into your skin. This makes it more effective for acne-prone skin, and less likely to cause irritation. Our Mineral Sun Stick is super easy to apply and small enough to carry with you anywhere. Chemical sunscreens take up to 30 minutes to begin working effectively. Many contain toxic ingredients that may help to protect the skin from UVA and UVB rays, but also add stress to your lymphatic, circulatory, and nervous systems, and have a negative impact on marine life. Be an informed consumer and know what you are putting on your skin.
  5. Go sunless. Want to protect your skin but still have a nice tan? Try Jordan Essentials Sunless Tanning Lotion. JE Sunless Tanning Lotion uses the natural sugars in your skin to darken the pigments for a natural tan that doesn’t turn orange, streak, or discolor. Available in Sunkissed or Bronzed!
  6. Check yourself. Do your best not to burn, and if you do, treat immediately with Skin Relief Lotion. With aloe, seaweed, chamomile, and green tea – it’s the perfect way to naturally promote healing. Check your skin regularly for abnormalities, and if you are concerned with any lumps, spots, moles, or discoloration, see your dermatologist immediately.  Skin issues are best treated when detected early. Set a yearly appointment for a check-up exam with your dermatologist, especially if you are often out in the sun.

Follow these simple steps to keep your skin cancer risk factors low. Please share with friends and family so they too will be armed with this knowledge and keep their skin safe. Prevention is the easiest way to keep our skin healthy – get your sunscreen on!

For informational and entertainment purposes only. Not intended to diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure anything. Consult your healthcare provider with specific concerns.


There are several ways you can detox your life – clearing the clutter out of your space, eating better and analyzing your diet, removing stress, and watching the ingredients in the products you use on your skin.  Changing any or all of these things can bring down your stress and anxiety levels and detox your life.

Let’s get started with the end goal.

Easy, clean, healthy habits and routines that make you feel good and look good too.

Keep it simple and start with small steps. Over time, these small steps can make a big difference.


Little changes and knowing what to look for can make a huge difference.

Take inventory of what you are eating.  There are thousands of healthy recipes and weight loss, health programs out there.  Watching what you put in your body can be one way to detox. People often think about what they put in their body, but not as often as what they put on it!  What we put on our skin goes into our bloodstream and affects our body, health, and overall well-being.

A simple way to start your detox process is to turn over your products and check out the labels and ingredients.

If your products have any of the ingredients listed below, it is time to detox your skincare. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA, but there is so much controversy and conclusive studies, we say when in doubt – throw them out!

1. Parabens – These are preservatives found in many cosmetic and skincare products and are known hormone disruptors. They can be linked to breast cancer and reproductive toxicity by mimicking estrogen receptors on cells as reported by the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics.

2. Aluminum – And not just the cans of soda and other drinks come in.  Aluminum is in your skincare products! Check your labels and see for yourself. This is most commonly found in antiperspirants. It works to block the pores, preventing the natural removal of sweat from your body.

3. Phthalates – This chemical is often demonized in the use of fragrance oils. The National Toxicology Program, in last year’s 13th Report on Carcinogens, listed Di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (usually known as DEHP) as “anticipated to be a human carcinogen.” A 2007 study also linked obese or insulin-resistant American men to higher levels of DEHP in their urine.

4. Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) & Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLES) – These chemicals can irritate your skin, lungs, and eyes. Who wants that? Soaps and shampoos often contain these foaming agents. We feel the more suds the better…Not true. And, these chemicals wash down the drain and into other areas to pollute our environment.


5. Mineral Oil – Besides being an environmental hazard, a 2011 study found mineral oil to be the largest contaminant in the human body! Human fat accumulates mineral oil over time basically from the skincare products you use on a daily basis.   Untreated mineral oils are listed as carcinogens by the World Health Organization. Most (and how do you really know) cosmetics probably contain refined mineral oil from petroleum which will also accumulate in the fat in your body. Mineral oil can easily be replaced by wonderful hydrating ingredients like jojoba, almond oil, and grape seed oil. The real kicker is the cost to the company.  Bottom line, find a company that cares about the consumer and adds yummy oils you would eat, not petroleum-based that accumulate in your fat cells.

It only takes a little time to learn the buzzword products to avoid. Then you will be a detox pro in no time when it comes to skincare! 

Jordan Essentials has these ingredients on our “never ever” No No List so you can count on us to help you in your efforts to detox.

Do Natural Insect Repellents Really Work?

It’s that time of year when the days get longer, the sun shines brighter, and the flowers are in bloom.

Kids everywhere are dying to get outside and celebrate. After-school days are filled with playdates on the playground, picnics in the park, and patio dinners with friends. We don’t know about you, but we are sensitive to putting anything toxic around my family. When looking for insect repellent we avoid DEET.

DEET is a key, stinky ingredient of many popular bug sprays on the market. Its safety is questionable. Studies have linked it to nervous system issues, respiratory issues, and skin reactions. . Luckily, there is a choice available – JE Bug Away Spray! Studies by Consumer Reports found that deet-free products, like Bug Away Spray, can actually work better!

Bug Away Spray contains no harmful ingredients. It naturally repels pests using natural ingredients like Oil of Lemon Eucalyptus and Peppermint Essential Oil. Oil of Lemon Eucalyptus—not to be confused with Lemon or Eucalyptus Essential Oils—comes from the leaves of a specific species of the eucalyptus tree. It naturally repels bugs!

And, unlike DEET, there is ZERO evidence that Oil of Lemon Eucalyptus is harmful. Not only is it a powerful and effective tool for repelling pests like mosquitoes and ticks, but it is also potentially helpful with muscle spasms, joint pain, and sinus issues.

Peppermint Essential Oil is also effective at repelling spiders and rodents! Plus, peppermint has soothing and cooling properties.

And best of all this combination smells amazing!

Jordan Essentials Bug Away Spray can be applied directly to skin, clothes, and pets (with the exception of our beloved feline friends, no kitties) and can be used around your home. It can be safely used on children three years and up. For younger kiddos, apply it to their strollers, carriers, or surroundings to keep them protected without applying it directly to their skin.

It makes me feel good to have safe, natural alternatives like this for my family. If you’re like me and want to take a more natural approach to your bug spray, grab your Bug Away Spray today!

Jordan Essentials Bug Away Spray is DEET free! Jordan Essentials does not claim to diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure anything. Information is provided for educational and entertainment purposes only. Contact your healthcare provider with specific concerns. Not endorsed by the FDA.

Here at Jordan Essentials we like to clean our homes with natural products, but we also like to get the whole family involved! You know what they say – many hands make light work!

Here are some of our favorite ways to make cleaning day more fun and efficient for the whole family.

Make a list! Before you begin, talk a walk around the house with your family and make a list of every task that needs completing. Include everything from folding the laundry to sweeping the kitchen to tidying the playroom to cleaning the bathrooms.

Assign jobs! Make sure that your list includes a handful of tasks suitable for each age in your family, and then assign every member their tasks for the afternoon. For younger children, it is always beneficial to incorporate some visual aspects for their tasks. It can be as simple as writing their tasks in a unique color on a dry erase board. They also will be more effective when they are given specific tasks. For example – ‘Clean your room’ can be overwhelming for a toddler, but ‘put your shoes in your closet,’ and ‘put your pillows on your bed’ will be easier for them to grasp.

Provide supplies! Once jobs are assigned, determine what supplies everyone will need to accomplish their cleaning tasks. For little ones in specific, they love having their own tools. Here are some age-appropriate supplies and tasks.

Keep your home clean and healthy with non-toxic cleaning products.

Old socks for dusting: Throw old socks on your little one’s hands, and have them go around the house dusting shelves, tables, blinds, and anything they can reach. If the dust and allergens give them the sniffles, simply use our Allergy Magnesium stick under their nose (children 2+).

Broom for sweeping: An adult may want to handle the mopping, but allow your child to practice sweeping at whatever age you deem appropriate.

Green and Clean for the kitchen table and other surfaces: Although Green & Clean is safe enough for a nursery, save this task for older children capable of spraying and wiping down surfaces. It can be used on everything from doorknobs to toys to cell phones and more!

Healthy Home Cleaner for the bathroom: Use the power of Tea Tree Oil to clean the sink, bathtub, tiles, and more! When it comes to cleaning the bathroom, save this task for someone 10+.

Offer rewards! It’s amazing what a small reward can do for the motivation of a child and teen alike, so determine a fair reward for their complaint-free afternoon of cleaning beforehand. This can be anything from more screen time to sweet treats to a trip to the local zoo!

For younger children, you can also hide small rewards in the laundry or any area they may clean, so they can find these as they go. This can be chocolates or tokens they can turn in for rewards (books, toys, movie afternoon, etc)! Be creative and tailored to the likes of your children.

Make it competitive! Make cleaning fun by setting competitive time goals to reach. This is a great way to incorporate some tunes. Play your child’s favorite song, and see if they can finish cleaning their room before it ends. You can also give each child a bucket, and have them collect toys or dirty laundry for the duration of a song. Whoever has collected the most items at the end, wins!

Maintenance routine! After a successful afternoon of cleaning, create a set list and routine that the family is expected to participate in as often as deemed necessary. Of course, you can also create smaller lists that can be completed more frequently such as weekly or even daily.

Every family is different, so it may take some time to figure out what works best within your home. Our best advice is to have fun and be confident that when you use Jordan Essentials products, you are using natural and safe products for the whole family.


One key to a good face care routine is consistency. Using naturally-based, non-toxic products daily will support healthy, more youthful-looking skin. Simplicity to the routine will make it easy to follow on a daily basis.

Jordan Essentials Founder & CEO, Nancy Bogart, is an anti-aging expert! She follows a simple, consistent routine for skincare twice daily to maintain her youthful, glowing complexion.

Nancy’s five steps are:

Watch Nancy in action with this quick Face Care 101 Tutorial – Click Here

Step 1 – Starting with a clean slate is important. Gently cleansing the skin twice a day is important to remove the toxins we are exposed to daily. Gentle Cleanser Foaming Wash is a safe, effective cleansers for all skin types.

Cleansing before bedtime supports the body’s regeneration of new cells and allows them to detoxify naturally. Cleansing when we wake up clears away the “sleepy” cells and reveals a fresh face ready to take on the day.

Step 2 – Exfoliating away the old, dry skin cells doesn’t need to be done daily. Exfoliating products contain slightly more abrasive ingredients to buff and polish the skin, promoting a smooth and soft glow.  It can be worked into your routine as your skin needs a freshen up.

Jordan Essentials provides two options.  Choose between JE Gentle Exfoliant with jojoba beads (for all skin types including sensitive skin), or JE Spa Polish with refreshing cucumber and finely crushed walnut shells for normal or oily skin.

Step 3 – A healthy facial mask is your at-home spa treatment! Like exfoliating, masking is not needed daily. Masking supports adding rich nutrients to the skin and removing impurities from clogged pores that daily cleansing can’t fully remove.  Masks from Jordan Essentials do not peel away layers of skin! They soften, soothe and support collagen renewal.

Step 4 – Toning can also be Step 2 in a simple daily routine. Toner Mist tightens the pores and hydrates the skin. It is like liquid vitamins for your skin! Light and easily absorbed, Toner Mist can be used throughout the day to freshen, brighten and add moisture to your skin.

For acne control, add 10 drops of Jordan Essentials Tea Tree Essential Oil to a 4-ounce bottle of  Toner Mist.  Tea Tree has antibacterial, antimicrobial, and antiseptic qualities that help combat acne.

Step 5 – The final step of a daily face care routine is to moisturize. Morning or night, moisturizing is needed to keep our skin hydrated. All skin types need hydration to stay looking and feeling healthy, smooth, and vibrant with a youthful glow.

Depending on your skin type, your morning moisturizer may differ from your nightly moisturizer. And moisturizing needs often change with the seasons. Be adaptable but be consistent with using moisturizer twice daily.

Step 5 can be enhanced with serums for the extra boosts to fight aging and to maintain healthy skin. Talk with your Jordan Essentials Consultant for more information on the variety of serums and face care products Jordan Essentials offers or visit us at www.jordanessentials.com

Our faces are a reflection of how we’re doing, whether or not we’re feeling well, and they tell others whether we’ve been stressed and not getting enough sleep, or whether we’re well-nourished and taking good care of ourselves. Let’s be real—we’ve all been all over the spectrum when it comes to how healthy our faces are.

One of the best and quickest ways to take care of your face is to use a face mask. We especially love our Purifying Charcoal Mask for removing impurities and toxins from the skin’s surface as well as deep in pores. It also helps your skin retain its natural moisture as the good stuff soaks in!

This week, reset your skin, reboot your health, and pamper yourself with some much-needed self-care by setting aside some time to indulge in a soothing face mask. Face masks are great because they require you to take a break from your busy life and just enjoy the benefits of skincare.

We recommend cleansing your face first, applying a mask, and then finishing up with a rejuvenating face mist!

Here are 5 ways you can practice self-care this week to heal both your face and your entire being!

1. Purify your skin with charcoal: Our Purifying Charcoal Mask is a fun and effective face mask for ridding your skin of impurities and giving you a deep cleanse. This relaxing ritual will not only refresh your skin health, but it will also give your face a bright, youthful glow. And who doesn’t need that midweek?!


2. Pick up a book: When was the last time you read a book cover to cover? With so many binge-worthy TV shows, it can be hard to set aside time for reading, but giving your eyes and your face a break from the harsh light of a TV or computer screen is great for improving your wellbeing. Instead of turning on the TV, pick out a book that you’ve been dying to read!

3. Cleanse & detoxify your skin: Use the Detoxifying Clay Mask to give your face a deep cleanse and pull pollutants from your pores. This bentonite clay mask is beneficial for all skin types, and it can even be used as a blemish spot treatment! This means you can truly revive and heal your skin and step into the week with a fresh, radiant face!



4. Say Om! This week, settle into savasana and take a break from doing anything at all. Whether you practice yoga or meditation, or you prefer to simply stretch and lie down, practice some form of gentle movement and follow it up with stillness in silence. This will do wonders for your mind and your body.

5. Turn up the music: When it comes to self-care, you may hear the same things over and over again, but we’ve got something new for you to try. Turn up your favorite song and just dance! Grab your loved one …or your furry friend, and get moving. You may feel silly at first, but dancing will invite laughter and will relieve so much stress and tension from your body and your mind.

What self-care practice are you doing this week to boost your wellbeing?


Who wants a fresh face for spring?! You can’t see, but we’re raising both hands!

Jordan Essentials has a face care line featuring natural, pure and fresh ingredients to give you that fresh face for spring!

Cucumber Spa Polish For The Ultimate Full Body & Face Treatment

The Cucumber Spa Polish has walnut shells which have a natural antimicrobial effect to them. Blackheads and breakouts will get a full treatment with weekly use of the spa polish. Go double duty, and use the product all over your body for a body polish after a long day.

Gentle Exfoliant For A Soft, Polished Pampering

Want and need a more gentle exfoliant? Jojoba beads are the answer! Our Gentle Exfoliant is perfect for a soft, polished pampering. While the exfoliant is primarily used on the face, you can also use this exfoliant on your hands and cuticles for a soft scrub massage. However you choose to use this product, just add a little water and massage gently for better circulation and to remove dead skin cells.

With all this talk about polishing and exfoliating the skin, we figured what better time than now to share some of our favorite skincare tips for a fresh face.


4 Skincare Questions Answered For A Fresh Face

Here are 4 of our favorite skincare tips to get a fresh face.

How often should you wash your face?

Cleanse your face twice a day. First, when you wake up, and second, before you go to bed. You may wonder why you need to wash your face in the morning when in the evening you’re washing makeup off, but our faces accumulate sweat and oil overnight. It’s just as important to wash your face in the morning as it is at night. Try our Gentle Foaming Cleanser!

What should your step-by-step skincare routine look like?

1. Cleanse your face twice daily with your gentle cleanser, warm water, and either your clean hands or try our Facial Brush. Work into a lather, taking your time, and then rinse well.

2. Once a week, exfoliate and/or polish after you wash your face. This process will renew the circulation in your face and slough off dead skin cells.


3. Once a week, treat any spots and apply a mask. Use either our Detoxifying Clay Mask, or our Purifying Charcoal Mask. Apply liberally to cleansed skin and leave the mask on for 10 minutes. Mist with toner to keep it moist, if needed. Finish with our Acne Support Gel if you have any blemishes that need treatment.

4. After cleansing, spritz your Toner Mist to tone and hydrate your skin. Allow to air dry.

5. Moisturize daily. Apply moisturizer every single day to keep your skin youthful, soft, and healthy. Use our Daily Moisturizer, Red Wine Moisturizer, or our Acne Support Moisturizer.

How do you use a polish & why?

A ‘polish’ is a type of exfoliant. It’s a powerful exfoliating product that also cleanses, removing blackheads and reducing breakouts. In addition to cleansing and detoxing your face, the polish will also exfoliate your skin, clearing away dead skin cells.

What are the rules for exfoliating?

We recommend exfoliating once a week. If you have sensitive skin, be sure to use our Gentle Exfoliator. If you exfoliate too often you’ll be doing more harm than good. We know exfoliating feels soooo yummy and good, but save it for that once a week, self-care spa night!


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